Goals and Plans

 Hi All,

Maybe you all are already know me but it's okay for me to introduce myself again in case there is a part of me that you don't know and you want to know. I'm fifteen years old now and and in less than a month I will have my 16th birthday. When I was born until I was six years old I lived in BSD Tangerang Selatan and in 2011 I moved to Bandung.

My strength is are, I endure suffering well (?) or maybe you could say I'm not a person who run away from problems. I'm quite hardworking and responsible. I can be a trusted friend, every time my friends confide or tell about their problems, I never tell anyone. I also like to analyze and observe things. 

My weakness are, I'm introvert person so it's a little hard for me to get along with new people, but that doesn't mean I'm a shy person. It takes a long time to get close to new people so I don't have a lot of friends but actually I want to be friends with anyone.

In the near future before 12th grade, I want to do what I like and it'll definitely be useful for me. I will continue my long-pursued hobby of painting and making handicraft. I love painting and making handicraft since I was in elementary school. Back when I was in elementary school there was a making craft lesson on Saturday. Even though on that day most of my friends did not attend the lessons but I still attend because I loved making craft lesson. These are some of my painting in quarantine days.

I know there are definitely more people who are better at painting this picture but the important thing is I feel happy when I'm doing it and also satisfied with my results. On my spare time, especially on weekend I like to watch movies and series. Watching movies and series can makes me feel happy and relieve stress and also we get something new and new perspective too. Lately I watched a series called Record Of Youth. This series tells the story about some friends who struggling to achieve what they want according to their passion. It is a really good series because it has a good vibes that makes me always feel spirited and it has an interesting plot. The original soundtrack of this series are amazing too, you must try listen to it, I already add it on my playlist and listen to it while doing homework or studying and now I'm listening to it while writing this blog.

Record Of Youth

On school life I don't think I have a specific favorite subject because most of them like kind a love-hate relationship. It means that sometimes I really like that subject but sometimes I become don't like it. However, I still study it thoroughly. When I'm in 12th grade, maybe I'll just focus on studying so I can get high UTBK scores and pass the SBMPTN or any college entrance exam. Lately, I interesting in actuarial major cause I like to analyze something and I quite like math but I still don't know what university I want to join. Actually this is not a fixed choice either, I'm still looking for a major that will suit me. If I have a chance to study aboard I want to study at Seoul National University, South Korea. I want to join Mathematical Sciences or Department of Industrial Engineering. In Mathematical Sciences department I want to choose actuarial major.

Seoul National University 

Actually there are so many things I want to do and so many goals I want to reach but it will be very very long if I write in this blog. So that's all from me, thank you for reading my story. I hope you all can reach your dreams and become successful person^^



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