Debate: Do celebrities make for a bad role model?
Ifa (pro) : In my opinion, celebrities can have a bad impact on their followers because their followers are not only adults who can distinguish right or wrong but there are also young children who still can't distinguish right or wrong. Sometimes whatever their idol does they always thought it was right. Gina (cons) : If it’s on social media children must be monitored by their parents or adults. Since they're still a child and don't know which one is right or wrong, so they should be accompanied. Fitta (pro) : Sometimes parents are busy so they can't always monitor their children and sometimes children secretly access social media. Tariza (cons) : It’s the parent's obligation to always look after their children. While working, parents can entrust their children to trusted people and not all celebrities are bad, there are also many public figures who inspire and lead to a better direction. Ifa(pro) : But it's not only their behavior that can have an imp...
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